

Teri has a number of volunteer organizations for which she is affiliated as it is her life’s calling to help others. It is her ever-present hope to raise awareness for the needs of those less fortunate throughout the world and helping to deliver spiritual, social, and assistance to those who need it most. Supporting the Gethsemane Church and Schools in Sierra Leone, Teri is the program developer for Teach the Teacher teaching and testing techniques, discipline, and hygiene.

Teri is also the Executive Director The Blessing Projects, a small non-profit group devoted to developing sustainable communities in remote regions of Africa. Teri’s social media and fundraising presence has helped raise both capital and the profile of the organization in its quest to bring education, resources, and access to medical care to the small African communities.

  As a volunteer photographer for Africa New Life, Teri offers her skills to help the organization in its efforts to transform the lives of Rwandans through gospel and acts of compassion. The charitable organization is working to break the cycles of poverty through education.

After New Orleans was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, Teri volunteered for four years with the St. James Church.  The group helped the low-income population of the city as they struggled to rebuild homes, gain employment, and restore their neighborhoods. Teri’s support was integral, helping to organize the logistics for multiple teams as they delivered food for the rebuilding projects in New Orleans.

In addition to managing support for White Mountain’s global projects, Teri is an accomplished published photographer (www.terimoy.com).  Teri has developed a series of portraits called “Disappearing Asia” which is now considered a historical collection of artwork.  She also takes international architectural, commercial and portrait photography.  Teri is responsible for the photography on the White Mountain Research website. 

Teri has a degree in Art History and a minor in business from Mills College.  She also has her Master’s in Education, has studied architecture at Tulane University and is a licensed real estate agent.