



White Mountain Research is devoted to assist persecuted peoples around the world.  We are especially focused on those affected by ISIS in the middle east. Although ISIS has been pushed out of most areas of Iraq and Syria, they have slipped into hiding and still hold captives and slaves.

Strife in the region is still far from peace. The situation left in Nineveh is still volatile and dangerous to the persecuted religious minorities who were forced to leave their homeland. 

Thousands of missing family members remain still unaccounted, and many women are still sex slaves to ISIS captains.  Now other regional powers exert their muscle to take the lands away from those who fled and those who remain. 

Minority populations of Catholics, Yazidis, Armenian and Assyrian Christians, Zoroastrians, Mandaeans, Jews, Bahá’í, and others remain in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran.  They are without protection and extremely vulnerable to the regional powers and ethnic sects seeking to gain dominance.  Twenty years ago, there were more than 2 million Christians in the region.  Now there are fewer than 200,000.

We have to make a difference.